未來教育留遊學代辦中心, 國外留學, 國外打工 ,國外遊學 , 國外移民詢問

紐西蘭邊境8/1起全面對外開放,結束從2020年3月以來因COVID-19疫情進行的國境防疫限制。隨著學生簽證申請從 2022 年 7 月 31 日起重新開放,紐西蘭很期待歡迎更多的國際學生回來 !

紐西蘭的教育包含新的思維、合作和真實世界的學習,以幫助我們的學生創造更美好的未來。 你知道嗎,在英語國家中,在為學生的未來做準備方面,紐西蘭是排名全世界第一?

* 那是因為我們的教育體系教學生解決現實世界的問題,並以批判性、創造性和全球性的思考方式。無論您的背景,紐西蘭教育都可以幫助您實現未來的職業目標。

我們的教育體系具有包容性、進步性,並包含 kaitiakitanga 的價值 — 關愛彼此和我們周圍的世界。


A New Zealand education embraces new thinking, collaboration, and real-world learning to help our students create a better future. Did you know that among English-speaking countries, New Zealand is ranked first in the world for preparing students for the future?* That's because our education system teaches students to solve real-world problems and think critically, creatively, and globally. Whatever your background, a New Zealand education can help you achieve your future career goals. Our education system is inclusive, progressive, and embraces the value of kaitiakitanga - care for people and the world around us. With student visa applications reopening from 31 July 2022, New Zealand is looking forward to welcoming more international students back to our shores.