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英國簽證暨移民署通知:數位簽證 eVisa 上線了

英國的移民事務系統數位化了! 入境英國人士的實體文件,例如英國生物辨識晶片居留許可(BRPs)與短期簽證貼紙(vignette stickers)印章註記等,都將會被線上的數位簽證(線上移民事務狀態)取代。如果您已經拿到英國簽證並且計畫在英國居住超過 6 個月,例如工作或求學,您將會需要申請一個英國簽證暨移民署的線上帳號,這個帳號將紀錄您入境英國所有狀態的更動,也這就是您個人的數位簽證(eVisa)。申請數位簽證帳號免費、安全又簡單,請盡快申請!

詳細資訊請見 http://gov.uk/evisa
影片教學請見 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/online-immigration-status-evisa-help-video/how-to-create-a-ukvi-account-and-access-your-evisa

The UK immigration system is going digital, physical documents such as Biometric Residence Permits (BRPs), vignette stickers in passports or ‘wet ink stamps’ will be replaced with online immigration status. If you’ve been issued a UK visa and you intend on staying in the UK for longer than 6 months – for example to work or study – you will need to create a UKVI online account which will hold a record of your immigration status. This is known as an eVisa. The process is free, secure, and straightforward.

You can find out more, including how to create an account at http://gov.uk/evisa.
To watch a video of how to create your account click here

#UKvisa #英國簽證 #eVisa
